Lindsey Court, Sudbury, Suffolk


Lindsey Court is a supported housing service for Young Parents aged 16-25 with support needs, relationship issues, or issues relating to mental health, substance misuse or homelessness. The service consists of 7 two-bedroom houses and 1 two-bedroom bungalow with disabled access.

The scheme is staffed Monday to Friday 9-5, Saturday 10-2 and some evenings.

Homeless Families

What you’ll find

  • Own bathroom
  • Own kitchen
  • WIFI in communal area
  • In house counsellor
  • Laundry room
  • In house training
  • Large communal garden
  • Cookery sessions
  • Playroom

How it works

Working with each customer we develop a tailored support plan, with daily/weekly meetings and assessments. The team work with customers to identify support needs, identify education, and training & employment opportunities  and offer support with wider life skills such as Shopping on a Budget sessions, parenting, maintaining accommodation cleanliness and personal hygiene.

Customers will have your own support worker who will meet with them as required for support meetings tailor made to their needs.

There is a regular programme of social activities to develop customer involvement and build self-esteem such as healthy eating sessions, confidence & resilience and sexual health.

Details of Activities

  • Cookery sessions
  • DIY and gardening projects
  • Confidence and resilience / voting with confidence / resettlement sessions
  • Writing a CV, job search
  • Interactive play for children
  • 8 week training module which includes: money management, health and wellbeing, training & education, resettlement

Positive Outcomes

The service provides customers with the skills or the support to live independently in the community. The service also helps customers identify move on accommodation, which may include supported housing within the community, via liaison with local housing associations and private landlords. Once these goals are achieved the service can offer access to three month follow up tenancy sustainment support.

Lindsey Court, Sycamore Road, Great Cornard, Sudbury, CO10 0JZ