Listening to you

We’re often asked how we’re listening to the views of customers and acting on them.

We’re committed to
strengthening our relationship
with customers.

Together with Tenants is an initiative led by the National Housing Federation to promote effective working between tenants, residents, and landlords. Challenging our business to go further, and to ensure our residents have oversight and we are accountable as an organisation.

Customer Engagement Framework Consultation

The Resident/Customer Task and Finish Group have been working with Riverside staff and with the Tenant Participation Advisory Service (TPAS) over the last six months to design a new customer engagement framework – new ways for residents/customers to provide feedback and improve services. This is called a customer engagement framework.

Staff and Customer meeting for tea or coffee in Laurel Court, Huddersfield. 

In Image (L-R): Sara Marsden and Qamar Zaman (staff)

Picture by Gareth Jones

The Task and Finish Group wanted us to share the following message to their fellow residents/customers:

“As part of Riverside’s commitment to residents and customers, they offer opportunities and activities for residents to influence and improve services.  This could be through a survey, a formal resident/customer committee or another activity, where we review performance and hold the organisation to account when things don’t go well.

We would like your views on our discussions so far and will use your responses to make sure customer views are listened to in Riverside and that resident/customer feedback is used to influence service design and improvements.”