
We know that giving you a quality and efficient repairs service is very important to you. It's also important to us. Here's an overview of what's on offer.

Report a repair

Need to get in touch to tell us about a problem in your home?
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Condensation, damp and mould

Find out how to tackle water related problems in your home.
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Boiler maintenance

Get the most from your boiler and find out how to fix common issues.
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How to guides

Watch videos on how to solve problems that don’t need a callout.
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Our repairs policies

Find out more about what you can expect from us.
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Our maintenance programme

Find about our planned maintenance work from kitchens and bathrooms to doors and windows.
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Aids & adaptations

Get the help you need at home to make you feel more comfortable and Secure.
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Retrofit: energy efficiency in our homes

Find out about our programme to improve the energy efficiency of our homes.
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Pest control in your home

Find out how to tackle problems with unwanted animal visitors.
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Disrepair claims

Find out about Claims Management Companies and the risks involved with signing up to them.
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Grounds maintenance

We are committed to looking after your outdoor spaces, which is why we offer grounds maintenance services for all the grassed areas around our properties and estates.
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