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Let’s Talk Performance…
We are currently working with customers to review our Customer Offer and associated Service Standards, and to find out what performance information they would like to see on a regular basis. In the interim, we are providing these key performance indicators, on a quarterly basis, alongside some information about what we are doing to drive improvements.
The figures below are taken from September 2024 and the arrows show how we’re doing compared with the previous quarter. The figures are for the entire group, other than Percentage of repairs fixed first time which is for Riverside only.
Overall satisfaction
We’ve seen small percentage drops in performance across almost all areas we’re reporting this quarter, which have all likely contributed to our overall satisfaction score falling. As outlined below under each score, we have plans in place to address the challenges we have faced. We apologise to customers who we know want to see performance improving, not dropping and we can assure you we are working hard to get back on an upward curve.
Net easy score (NES)
As with overall satisfaction, it’s likely that the general reduction in all of our scores has contributed to customers’ perceptions of how easy we are to deal with as an organisation.
2 mins 39 secs
Call waiting times
Our average call waiting times have increased this quarter, and we are working hard to improve them. Our contact centres outside of London achieved their their third consecutive month under the target of 1 min 30 secs which is great for our customers. The London contact centre, however, has experienced some technical systems issues and delays to repairs being carried out which have led to more chase up calls from customers. Urgent action has been taken to implement changes to how we handle incoming queries and work to improve the repairs service in London should also help to reduce waiting times.
Satisfaction with listening to views and acting on them
While it’s disappointing we’ve seen a slight drop in our score this quarter, in July, 28 customers came together to form a working group, to review how Riverside listen to views and act on them. They will work in partnership with us to create new opportunities for customers to feedback about their services and influence how they are delivered. Customers continue to receive local newsletters and this will be expanded to new locations in the next six months. Local service assessments (reviews of services to your block or community) are also being implemented more widely.
Satisfaction with complaints handling
Satisfaction with complaints handling has fallen slightly this quarter by just over 1%. We have, however, seen a drop in the volume of complaints which is encouraging. We’re carrying out a number of actions to drive improvement including hiring a new Head of Complaints, using data and your feedback to try to do more to prevent issues becoming complaints in the first place and greater co-ordination and standardisation of how we deal with complaints across the organisation.
Satisfaction with latest
Recently customer satisfaction scores have been affected by the delay in completing some repairs. We are targeting older, overdue repairs and it is understandable that customers are unhappy with the time taken to complete these. As we reduce the number of overdue repairs we expect to see satisfaction increase.
Percentage of repairs fixed first time*
As planned, we have upgraded our Repairs IT system, unfortunately there were some initial teething problems which affected the repairs service during July and into August. We are confident we have identified and resolved all the issues and expect to see improvements over the coming months. To increase our ability to complete repairs first time we are analysing van stocks and materials and the planning of repair appointment diaries to account for travel times in heavy traffic areas.
Percentage of appointments
The percentage of repair appointments kept has dipped slightly. Where our service was affected during July and August by the installation of a new repairs IT system, we contacted customers to reschedule repair appointments. We continue to work with our specialist contractors to provide additional customer appointments.
Percentage of repairs completed within target timescales
Our repairs completed on time performance has got worse. We know how important this is to customers and we have been taking action to tackle this. Where we have older, overdue repairs we are targetting our teams and sub-contractors to complete them before we enter the busy winter period. We have seen the number of these overdue repairs reduce substantially during September.
Satisfaction homes are well maintained
We’ve seen a drop of just under 3% in our score this quarter despite extensive work in this area. We’ve started a programme of stock condition surveys which will continue through the year. This will help us plan future investment in homes. We are also continuing to carry out Quality Assurance audits which are giving us good feedback about how customers feel about the maintenance of their home. A recent example highlighted how we can improve the design of kitchens for customers who have mobility issues and we are now in the process of putting these recommendations into practice.
Percentage of lettable homes currently occupied
We are pleased to be maintaining a good level of performance in relation to the number of our homes that are currently occupied. Although we have seen a slight increase in the number of tenancies ending during September 2024, we are working hard to complete empty homes repairs as quickly as possible.