
This consultation is designed to get your views on those golden rules, as well as how we organise services in an easy-to-understand and accessible way.

Consultation – Customer service principles


One of our key principles is ensuring customers are involved and have their say.

 So, during the integration process between Riverside and One Housing Group, a team of 12 customers – The Task and Finish Group – played a key role.

One thing they sought to establish was a set of key principles which they want the new Riverside Group to adopt.

So, they held a consultation on principles they have devised to get your views.

We promoted this in a leaflet which was sent to all customers – either in print or on email depending on your preference – as well as here on our website.

The principles were supported by the overwhelming majority of customers and therefore have been adopted by the group.

Our customer-backed principles

Rule 1 – We will get things right first time 

  • We will deal with all enquiries efficiently and effectively and resolve them without customers having to follow up or chase for a response.
  • We will tell you what we will do to resolve your enquiry and how long it will take.
  • We will tell you who is responsible for dealing with your enquiry.
  • We will keep you informed of what we are doing to put things right if your enquiry cannot be resolved easily or is more complicated.

Rule 2 – We will provide services our customers need and want 

  • We will take time to ensure we understand the needs of all our customers.
  • We will regularly ask our customers how we are performing and what we could do better.
  • We will always take the special needs of our vulnerable and disabled customers into account when designing and providing services.
  • We will adapt our services to ensure we are meeting the needs of all customers.

Rule 3 – We will learn from our mistakes

  • We will listen to what our customers are telling us.
  • We will investigate complaints about our services quickly.
  • We will apologise when we make a mistake and compensate customers where appropriate.
  • We will fix any problems or mistakes that we identify
  • We will make improvements to ensure we don’t repeat our mistakes.

Rule 4 – We will make sure our employees have the knowledge, capability and resources to do the job

  • We will train our employees to undertake their role with competence and confidence.
  • We will provide our employees with the resources they need to do their jobs well.
  • We will trust and value our employees and create a working environment they are proud to be a part of.
  • We will train our team so they are better able to support customers with additional needs.