By Jenny Crocker, Care and Support Service Manager
On 10 December in 1948, the United Nations’ General Assembly set out the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a common standard to affirm the basic rights and freedoms of all human beings.
It sets out human rights to be universally protected.
In 2009 it received a certificate from the Guinness Book of Records as the most translated document in the world with 370 languages. That total is now estimated at 500.
The Declaration consists of 30 articles and was the first step in the process of formulating the International Bill of Human Rights, which was completed in 1966 and came into force in 1976.
However we know from social media and the news that there is much more to be done.
People from LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) and BAME (black, Asian and minority ethnic) communities and those with disabilities continue to be marginalised and do not receive fair access to healthcare services, education and other day to day needs that many others are able to take for granted.
The anniversary is a chance for the world to celebrate the Universal Declaration and to help reaffirm the enduring human rights principles and standards it has helped establish.
The Office of the High Commissioner continues to champion our rights around the globe. I do urge you to find out more and pledge you support here