Why did you apply to be an apprentice?
I wanted to become an apprentice as it was a way for me to get hands on experience onsite, whilst also getting the time in the classroom to fully understand all aspects of being an electrician. As opposed to going university where you just don’t get as much time in work experience as you do in an apprenticeship. Getting paid whilst you qualify is also a bonus.
What are your learning points so far?
The knowledge I’ve gained over the past few years are endless to list. I’ve gone from knowing nothing at all to be able to confidently install and test electrical installation, to a high standard of workmanship.
How do you balance your studies with work?
You get plenty of time on your college days to carry out any classroom work you need, so it doesn’t interfere with work at all.
Do you feel like you’ve developed skills for life?
I’ve most definitely developed plenty of skills for life through the course of my apprenticeship. I’ve become more confident by having to discuss jobs and issues with clients in a professional manor. I’ve also learnt to become more independent and go out of my comfort zone when needs be.
What are your career aspirations?
I’ve always wanted travel and working away is a dream of mine, maybe somewhere slightly warmer. But I would also love to eventually have my own company which branched off into other sections of construction.
Would you recommend the apprentice route to others?
I couldn’t recommend getting an apprenticeship enough to people. I think it is a great opportunity for you to learn, earn and grow as a person. It has done so much for me and sped up the process of my career vastly I couldn’t be grateful enough.