Ask twice on World Mental Health Day  


By Fran Stulberg, Chair of Riverside’s disability staff group Enable

With one in four people experiencing a mental health problem this year alone, if a friend, family member or colleague says they’re fine, they might not be.

To really find out, ask twice.

Today is World Mental Health Day and once again we’re supporting Time to Change, a growing movement that’s changing how we all think and act, about mental health.

It’s easy to dismiss mental health problems as something that only affects others. But, with one in four people experiencing mental health problems every year, it can happen to any of us.

Without support from others, people with mental health problems can lose what they care about most. It’s a time when you need your friends, family and colleagues more than ever.

So, if someone you know is acting differently, step in. This year, the theme of the campaign is ‘asking twice’.


When we’re asked how we are, the usual and expected response is ‘fine, thanks’. But the truth is, we often say we’re fine when we’re not.

If you’re worried about someone, asking twice can show you’re asking for real and willing to hear the response – whether that’s now or at a later date. It’s a simple but significant thing we can all do for friends, family members and colleagues alike.

You can find out more about Time to Change here. Time to Change is run by Mind and Rethink Mental Illness, and thousands of organisations like us are joining to help make change happen.