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Tackling and Preventing Homelessness


Riverside believes that vulnerable people should have access to support services that will enable them to make meaningful changes to their lives.  By delivering services which give powerful messages of hope for an alternative, positive future, Riverside teams are able to build self-worth and motivation to change, alongside tools to maintain resilience and sustain healthier lifestyles. Riverside has invested an additional £1.5 million over the past three years in our accommodation based services, improving the quality of our accommodation-based services.

We deliver Homelessness services in a number of models, according to the requirements of commissioners and local need of the people who will use the service. Our models include:

  • Accommodation based services in hostel- type premises, with high levels of support via 24 hour staff
  • Accommodation based services in self-contained units, used as a move-on from more intensive support or as an earlier intervention to prevent the need for high support services. Staff may be on site during office hours, or visit at set times
  • Gender specific accommodation services, with interventions tailored to the needs of women, often with multiple and complex needs, in recognition that many homeless women are at risk of abuse from their male counterparts
  • Homeless family accommodation, as a temporary solution while households are having their applications investigated and are awaiting ‘decisions’ from Local Authority housing teams
  • Accommodation based services for people with multiple and complex needs, who will have at least three of the following needs: housing/homelessness, mental ill-health, substance misuse, and offending histories
  • Community based support for people in their own tenancies, aimed at preventing homelessness and/or sustaining tenancies after a period of homelessness
  • Units within other accommodation based services which are suitable for couples
  • Accommodation which accepts people with dogs
  • Drop-in/advice services for people who are, or are at risk of homelessness.