Career advice for the LGBT community

John Glenton, Riverside's Executive Director for Care and Support

Riverside’s Executive Director for Care and Support has been offering tips and support to members of the LGBT community looking for a career.

John Glenton features in the 2017-18 Stonewall Starting Out guide – a national guide of LGBT-inclusive employers for students and jobseekers.

In the Stepping up as an Ally section, he talks about the importance of having trans allies in the workplace – something Riverside is keen to focus on this year.

John says: “I grew up in the 80s, when the UK was a very different place. The progress the UK has made in equality for the LGBT community would not have happened without the support of many allies.

“Therefore, as a gay man I try hard to bring about positive change for people who identify differently from me. I am determined to support my trans colleagues and customers on a journey where the destination is hopefully true equality for all.

“Producing a Transitioning at Work policy and a dress code that has the support of my trans colleagues is one way that I have been able to make a difference.

“As an ally, I take responsibility to consistently influence our working culture and practice at Riverside to be inclusive and take a zero-tolerance approach to bullying, harassment or discrimination.”

The Starting Out guide also offers an LGBT perspective on working in the housing sector and highlights Riverside’s ranking as a top 100 LGBT-friendly employer.