So we can be consistent and responsive when engaging with you, we have made a few changes to the way we deliver services and communicate with customers.
We no longer store information about religious observation, or requests to notify of male visitors, on individual customers or pass it to staff and contractors when they visit you in your home.
Instead we will continue to assess all our policies and procedures to make sure we consider any possible negative impact generally, for all our customers. This will allow us to deliver a consistent service, as promised, to you.
We will, of course, continue to be considerate and respectful when we are in your home and will follow our working practices and codes of conduct.
As most of our contractors are male, please ensure you are able to grant access for any pre-arranged or emergency appointments.
If this could cause an issue for you, we’d recommend you have a friend or family member present, or rearrange appointments to a convenient time when you will be able to grant access.
Please remember it is your responsibility to allow access when a contractor attends a pre-arranged appointment at your home.