We have raised £60,000 which could fund a lung cancer clinical trial for six years.
In September 2014, Riverside pledged to raise £60,000 over two years for its corporate charity Cancer Research UK. In just 16 months it smashed the target, raising £60,128.
Lisa Connor, Fundraising Manager at Riverside, said: “Cancer affects all our lives, either directly or indirectly, and we’re keen to help Cancer Research UK move us a bit closer to a world without cancer.
“Our staff have a strong track record of getting stuck in to fundraising activities, from bingeing at cake sales and BBQs to sponsored dieting and alcohol abstinence; from naked calendars to Christmas jumper days; from the Great North Run to the London Three Peaks Challenge.”
Stephanie Dagger, Merseyside Local Fundraising Manager at Cancer Research UK, added: “More people are surviving cancer than ever before – survival rates have doubled over the last 40 years and our work has been at the heart of that progress. But despite improvements in treatment, cancer causes more than one in four of all deaths in the UK.
“Receiving no government funding for our vital research, we rely on the generosity of the public and on partnerships with organisations like Riverside. We want to transform the outlook for cancer patients so that within 20 years, three in four people survive their cancer.
“We would like to thank the staff at Riverside for their fantastic efforts, helping us to save many more lives.”
“With another eight months to go, let’s see how much more we can raise!”
CRUK partnership facts and figures
- £13,000 raised through our justgiving page
- 14 crazy Gelt Gladiators took on a muddy, wet and cold obstacle race in May 2015!
- 16 Dragon Boat racers worked together to stay dry (and have fun) at the Chester Dragon Boat Race
- More than 25 lovely ladies walked, ran and scrambled their way round Race for Life & Pretty Muddy
- 2 Directors (Ian Gregg & Tom Maguire) scaled 3 of London’s highest peaks – and abseiled down the last one!
- 2 Christmas Jumper Days, 1 Football Shirt Friday and 1 Floral Fools Day
- £21,000 raised from Donation Stations (what a lot of junk we all have!)
- Over 50 food related fundraisers (cake sales, tuck shops, BBQs, coffee mornings and afternoon teas) held at offices and schemes across the country
- 5 people losing weight or giving up alcohol to raise money
- 1 naked calendar produced by the YourPlace team!]
- 4 super fit Great North Runners
- 1 birthday girl who swapped presents for donations, raising £450
- 1 exhausted finance team who have counted and tracked all of the money!
- 61 employees donated 1 hour’s pay
- 5 CRUK lab open days attended by staff