Akenside, Phase 2, Bootle


With the changes to the welfare bill, and the introduction of the ‘Bedroom Tax’ Riverside have been working with local councils and contractors to build affordable homes that provide the exact space needed.

Development of Akenside Street in Bootle is in its second phase, the current project is being built opposite Phase 1 and is the site of a former training centre. Working alongside MCI and architects Jennings Design associates, we are developing 36 homes, a combination of houses and apartments to meet the demands for affordable rent in the area.

The demolition of existing buildings and ground remediation work is needed prior to construction. Availability: Affordable rent 9 x 2bed/3person houses Shared Ownership 7 x 2bed/3person houses

Total Scheme Cost: £3.3 million

Site Type: Brownfield

Key Funding Source: Homes and Communities Agency

Local Authority Area: Sefton MBC

Contractor: MCI

Architects: Jennings Design Associates

Cost Consultant: Wilkinson Cowan

Start Date:  October 2014    –    Completion Date: February 2016