Name of development
Joseph Williams Phase 2
Location: district/town/city
Off Viennese Rd, Netherley, L25 2RF
What is the development?
In partnership with Compendium, we are developing 10 homes for general needs affordable rent and 16 homes for shared ownership consisting of the following:
Affordable Rented
2 x 3b5p bungalows
4 x 2b4p houses
2 x 2b3p apartments
2 x 1b 2p apartments
Shared Ownership
12 x 3b5p houses
4 x 2b 4p houses
Total Scheme Cost:
£3 million
Site type- eg brownfield, industrial,
Key Funding Source
Local authority area:
Liverpool City Council
Team – developer, main consultant team etc
Contractor – Compendium
Employers Agent – Identity Consult
Estimated date of completion
Spring/Summer 2017
Who is the development contact?
For lettings queries please refer to Rent a home or call the Customer Service Centre 0345 111 0000