Name of development
Lime Tree Court
Oakwood, Derby
What is the development?
The completed development will provide 75 new homes, 60 for affordable housing.
The mix is as follows:-
60 – Affordable Rent, 24 x 2bed houses, 28 x 3bed houses, 8 x 2bed bungalows
15 – Shared Ownership, 9 x 2bed houses, 6x 3bed houses
This scheme forms part of a S106 requirement with Persimmon and will be delivered in phases. The first units to be handed over will be in September 2018 and the final properties are scheduled to complete March 2021.
Key Funding Source
Section 106
Local authority area
Derby City Council
Cost of Scheme
Project Team
Developer – Persimmon, North Midlands (Leicester office)
Consultant – Arcus
Project Manager – Camilla Edwards
Estimated date of completion
March 2021
Who is the development contact?
Lisa Allen