The Risings, Wallsend

Mullen Road & West Lane

The Risings, Wallsend scheme forms part of a Bellway owned site which is being developed into 17 affordable units to meet the demand for more family sized homes at reasonable prices.


Affordable rent 11 x 2bed/3person houses

Shared Ownership 3 x 2bed/3person houses 3 x 3bed/5person houses

Total Scheme Cost: £1.5 million

Site Type: Brownfield

Key Funding Source: Nil Grant, S106

Local Authority Area: North Tyneside Council

Contractor: Bellway Homes North East

Employers Agent: Wilkinson Cowan Partnership

The 11 rented units will be complete from August to October 2016,  & 6 shared ownership units by February 2017   

The rented units are part of a Choice Based Letting scheme – Tyne & Wear Homes

For more information on applying for a rented property call 0345 111 0000.

For more information on shared ownership units contact 0345 155 9029

Please visit our Case Studies page for more information.