“From starting in a place where I could not see any positives, to now preparing myself to go out to make a difference for people in our community.”
I first came across Engage Leeds in 2021 after I had been the victim of a horrific domestic violence incident. It had really knocked my confidence, and emotionally I felt very fragile. I searched the internet in desperation for some help and came across the number for Engage Leeds. I made the call and broke down whilst on the call to the lady who answered. Quickly I was assigned to housing support worker, Rob, who contacted me. I believe the lady on the phone could hear my desperation and handed my referral over quickly.
I had been also handed my notice on the property where I lived, so psychologically I wasn’t in a great place and felt weak and completely lost in everything that had happened. I was also not only the victim of a horrific DV Incident, I was now also facing becoming homeless with my daughter.
Rob came to see me and introduced himself as my case worker. I immediately felt at ease knowing I had someone supporting me.
Rob really was amazing throughout the time he worked with me. I was signposted to Behind Closed Doors for help dealing with the domestic violence and he worked towards rehousing me. Engage supported me for around five months, and I was eventually rehoused to my dream home. I have never felt as happy. I have absolutely found my forever home.
As I got stronger and my confidence started to build, I approached Engage to look at volunteering opportunities, I wanted to give something back. Engage Leeds had made such a huge difference for me and my daughter.
I met Liz Lee and immediately felt welcomed in. I have helped with operation Santa; have attended courses and have shadowed the housing support team.
I enjoyed every aspect of volunteering and immediately set my heart on working with the team. I love the structure of Engage; how everyone works together, and how much their passion shows in their work. It’s so clear to see that teamwork and dedication is what is helping people through hard times, just as I was helped.
I decided to apply for a paid post. I applied, and although nervous, but absolutely overjoyed to say that at the end of March 2024 I joined Engage Leeds and am now part of the team as a Housing Support Worker!
The last three years have been such a journey for me; from starting in a place where I could not see any positives, to now preparing myself to go out to make a difference for people in our community.
I am so grateful to Engage Leeds for all its support, it has changed my life. I’m so grateful to Liz Lee and her team for making me so welcome within the volunteering team.
I’m looking forward to the next chapter and aim to give back what Engage Leeds has given to me.
Thanks so much to everyone.
Former volunteer and now Housing Support Worker