In supported accommodation and floating support services across the country, our colleagues, volunteers and customers get together to make Christmas a special time. While many people across the country take time off, our colleagues continue to work in our services throughout the Christmas break. Everyone pulls together to make sure that what could potentially be a difficult or lonely time for some of the people we support becomes a time of hope and festive cheer.

This year has been particularly difficult for us all and this Christmas will be different to what many of us are used to, so we’re all going that extra mile to make a difference and make all our customers feel like they are at home for Christmas.

We have asked some of our teams to share their thoughts about what Christmas means to colleagues, volunteers and customers across the country.

Here's what they told us:

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    Sarah's story

    “Christmas at Rose Brae brings a mixture of emotion.”

Sarah – Rose Brae, Wirral
Supported accommodation for people affected by homelessness

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    Julianne's story

    “Christmas for our customers will be very different, this year.”

Julianne – Engage Haringey, London
Floating support service

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    Nikki's story

    “At Peppercorn Lodge, colleagues have been by my side through some tough days during this year.”

Nicki – Peppercorn Lodge, Suffolk
Young families’ service

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    Van's story

    “A lot of our time and effort in the run up to the big event is spent supporting mediation.”

Vans – Centre 28, Hull
Supported accommodation for young people affected by homelessness

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    Jane's story

    “As a group of veterans, my customers and indeed I, tend to be very thoughtful and reflective over this time of year.”

Jane – Mike Jackson House, Aldershot
Supported accommodation for veterans

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    Carla's story

    “Highlights of this festive season will be the best decorated front door competition .”

Carla – Swindon
Young Parents Accommodation Service

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    Suzanne's story

    “Christmas is understandably a difficult time for women and children fleeing domestic abuse.”

Suzanne – Marie House, Wakefield
Refuge for women and children fleeing Domestic abuse

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    Claudia's story

    “This Christmas is exciting as we are opening a new ‘A bed every night’ service in Manchester.”

Claudia – ABEN – Withington Road, Manchester
LGBTQ+ supported accommodation for people sleeping rough

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    Mandy and Clare's story

    “Christmas means being able to deliver the happier side of support to our customers.”

Mandy and Clare – Sefton Families Project, Merseyside
Families’ Housing First service

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    Colin's story

    “Christmas for me is a celebration and about the coming together of all people.”

Colin – Wharf House, Doncaster
Supported Accommodation for people affected by homelessness.

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    Prudence's story

    “Christmas in our service is a time of the year where we want our customers to feel extra special.”

Prudence – Queen Mary Pathway, Westminster, London
Asset-based, high-support accommodation service for single homeless women

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    Trish's story

    “Our buddies all have lived experience of homelessness and use this experience to engage.”

Trisha – Street Buddies, London
Volunteer rough sleeper outreach service

All year round our services are incredibly rewarding places to work and offer opportunities to support people who need it most. We are currently recruiting across the country so if you or someone you know is interested in joining our amazing team and making a difference – visit our jobs page below.