If you need to contact a scheme directly you can still use the following phone numbers. If your scheme is not on here please use the contact us information or speak to your support worker direct.
Bramble Court 01697 263120
Close Street 01228 549966
Eden Rural Foyer 01768 861650
Jenkins Cragg Court 01539 729591
Oval Centre (for community use or room bookings only) 01946 834713
Rowan Court 01539 432557
South Lakes Foyer 01539 741002
Warwick Square 01228 591995
Whitehaven Foyer 01946 834714
The following information is advice on certain phone numbers and their charges. Always check with your call package and provider before making any calls.
Phone numbers beginning with:
0800, 0808
Calls are free from landlines and mobiles.
0845, 0870
You may be able to find an alternative 01, 02 or 03 number for the company, check their website for details.
For more information on inclusive minutes check with your provider and what’s included with your call package.