In 2016 we made improvements to the way we delivered our Retirement Living services.
The changes were made in order to improve our service to you, and in particular:
— modernise our services
— make our services more consistent
— keep our customers safe
— continuously improve
— encourage healthy lifestyles.
We were keen to make sure these changes had been effective and find out how we were doing. During autumn 2017, using an independent research company, we spoke to staff and customers across our services to find out what they thought.
The feedback from this review contained some really positive aspects as well as some areas where we need to improve, including:
— Some longer-standing customers have found it harder to adjust while others enjoyed the new structure and in particular the increased independence it has brought.
— Some customers feel there is an over-focus on compliance which has changed the atmosphere in some services.
— The review identified regional differences in how customers felt about their service while we also received feedback on how we could improve the staffing structure and as a result are reviewing the different roles.
We welcome all feedback from our customers and wanted to make you aware that we will be reviewing the recommendations during the coming weeks, using them to continually improve the services you receive from Riverside.
We are committed to working with staff and customers around improvements and will keep you updated on progress as we make it.
If you would like to know more about any aspects of this update – please contact your local Retirement Living Coordinator.
Health and Wellbeing
Our national Health and Wellbeing service has more great themed activities planned across our Retirement Living schemes as we say goodbye to summer and head into autumn. The themes between August and October are:
Independent in August
Which is all about keeping our customers independent, and free from falls.
Staying Sharp and keeping Savvy in September
Including brain training and discussing issues around mental wellness, dementia and keeping safe.
Carnival for Customers
Celebrating Older Persons Month throughout October.
Look out for more information in your scheme and if you’d like to find out more, you can speak to your Retirement Living Coordinator or email us, we value your opinion and would like you to be involved.