Nel lives independently at 106-years-old

Big birthday wishes to our customer Nel who celebrates her 106th birthday today (December 5).

Nel Reid received a card from the Queen and was presented with flowers and a cake from staff at Ash Grove Retirement Living scheme in Birmingham, where she lives independently in her own apartment.

She has lived in Birmingham all her life, born in Netchells in 1912 then moved to Northfield when she was a teenager.

“My secret to old age is never to moan or grumble, and never talk as if you’re ‘old’ because you’ll then feel it,” says Nel.

Nel (right) with two younger siblings (c.1916)
Nel (right) with two younger siblings (c.1916)


She has lived at Ash Grove for eight years and enjoys the balance of living independently in her own apartment and having neighbours in the scheme.

Mark Sturgeon, Ash Grove’s scheme manager, said: “We are really pleased to mark Nell’s 106th birthday with her, it’s an amazing milestone. Nel is very active and maintains her own flat. She still gets out and about each day to meet friends and she loves to have a chat to everyone. She is very popular in the Northfield community and all the shopkeepers know her.”

Nel (left) with her husband and daughter
Nel (left) with her husband and daughter


Riverside’s Retirement Living is all about maintaining independent living in an apartment with communal facilities. Find out more about Ash Grove here.