Engage Enfield


Engage Enfield is a housing related floating support service for people aged 18 or over and living in Enfield.

Engage Enfield

How we can help

We aim to provide a safe, supportive and enabling environment for customers who will be:

  • Enabled to carry out tasks associated with independent living
  • Enabled to understand and respond to communication received, including welfare benefit forms
  • Enabled to avoid/reduce rent arrears and other debt
  • Enabled to access healthcare, in particular GP services
  • Enabled to access information, community resources and social interaction to avoid becoming socially isolated
  • Enabled to access education/training/employment opportunities
  • Enabled to utilise technology (where appropriate) to assist in their support and longer term wellbeing.
  • Supported not to relapse for example, drug or alcohol use or offending and does not require repeat use of specialist services

Referrals are accepted from all sources including via Self-referrals, and professional, friends and family and inter-agency referral with client consent. Referrals can be made through email, telephone, web, post, in-person (e.g. Community surgeries, drop-ins).

Our criteria for applications:

  • Aged 18 and over
  • Physical/learning disability, mental ill health or drug and alcohol misuse problems
  • Vulnerable and in need of short to medium term housing-related support,
  • At risk of losing their home, homelessness, in temporary accommodation, or moving on from supported housing or a family setting to independent living

Our services:

  • Individually tailored support plan
  • 1:1 key work with Clients (in-person and also via Skype/video call)
  • Operate a ‘No Wrong Door’ approach. This means, if an individual contacts us or is referred to our service, and we are not the right agency to meet their needs, we will work with the Council, partners and the Client to develop an appropriate solution.
  • 4x 1:1 drop-ins delivered per week from existing services
  • 1:1 telephone support (including triage/signposting, monitoring, keeping-in-touch)
  • Community Surgeries
  • Linking clients with self-help health and wellbeing apps and budgeting apps
  • Creating private client Facebook page to promote engagement and building supportive social networks

For more details on the service or making a referral please contact us:

Our main office is Suite W55, Grove Business Centre, 560-568 High Road, Tottenham, N17 9TA

Tel: 0800 0858207 (free form a landline or mobile)

E: [email protected]