Engage Hackney


Engage Hackney is a housing-related floating support service delivered across the London Borough of Hackney to help residents maintain their tenancy.

Our customers

The service supports people aged 18+ years, who live in the London Borough of Hackney and those placed outside the London Borough of Hackney (LBH) in temporary accommodation, who have housing related support needs. The service is available to all tenures.

Our service is person-centred and begins with an assessment of each client’s needs. Our professional staff will then produce and work through a personal support plan, which identifies agreed goals and aspirations.

Our service is delivered via 1-2-1 support sessions at your home, in the community or in our office. A drop-in service is available in our office: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10-1 by appointment. Please call 0800 953 4044.

We also offer a volunteering and befriending service to empower people to gain skills and reduce isolation.

When referrals may not be accepted:

– People who are already living in high-support residential or institutional settings (such as hostels, forensic or inpatient accommodation) and who are likely to stay there for the foreseeable future.

– People who live outside the defined catchment area (unless in placed Temporary Accommodation by LBH).

– The level of risk is deemed unacceptable as a result of the outcome of an evidenced needs and risk assessment and in view of the Service Provider/s’ policies and procedures.

– People whose support needs fall within a statutory responsibility unless the need for housing related support is identified as a complementary part of an overall package of support and assistance as agreed within an appropriate assessment / personal budget plan.

– We don’t work with people who are already homeless – this includes adults who are not rough sleeping but living with friends or still living in their family home.

Making a referral

Customers can access the service via referral partners for example social workers, London Borough of Hackney teams or by self-referral.

We aim to respond to a referral within 5 working days and we will inform the customer and referring agency. If the customer is not eligible for service, we will provide the reason why, and may signpost you to another organisation. Partnership working is key to providing a person-centred approach and by proactively involving and working closely with statutory, voluntary, and other agencies we provide wrap around support.

If you are unsure whether your customer meets our referral criteria and would like to discuss their case, call our referral team on 0800 953 4044.

Referrals are made via our simple referral form: https://riv.org.uk/engagehackneyform

Please send referral forms to [email protected]

The team is located at:
Timber Wharf, 5 Ermine Mews, Laburnum Street, London, E2 8BF
T: 0800 953 4044

Privacy Notice – City and Hackney Neighbourhoods
You can view the City and Hackney Neighbourhoods Privacy Notice here.