Welcoming new Cotton Lane tenants

Riverside served up afternoon tea to welcome new tenants in Cotton Lane, Runcorn, and find out what they had to say on their neighbourhood and homes.

Riverside's Karl Delamar and Jackie Ulring get ready to dish out mugs of tea and scones at the afternoon tea party for new tenants in Cotton Lane, Halton Lodge

We bought 66 new properties from Sanctuary Housing on Cotton Lane earlier this year.

The homes are close to many more Riverside properties, and the transfer was carried out to ensure people have easier access to local housing services.

Tenants enjoyed tea and scones, with family activities from face painting and balloon modelling, to a bicycle powered smoothie maker for fitter families.

Community Engagement Officer Lorna Cotterill said: “It was great to meet with our new tenants to discuss planned improvements.

“We found out that some people are concerned about the nearby woods being hotspots for anti-social behaviour.

“We are already planning some environmental improvements to the area to start this summer, but wanted to hear more directly from Cotton Lane residents.”

Our landscaping contractor Assist is now working around the neighbourhood and we are also carrying out tree surveys in the local woods, as part of a plan to make the area safer and respond to concerns.