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![Jess Newton lives at Terry Street in Hull. She is pictured with Eileen Grannon her Support Worker.](https://www.riverside.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/JessNewton1-368x220.jpg)
![Karl used to be supported at The Crossings in Hull](https://www.riverside.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/KarlKipling1-368x220.jpg)
Former Pennine Rambler pub given new lease of life thanks to Riverside Foundation
26 May 2016
Investing in your homes
Over the next five years we plan to spend £27 million investing in Retirement Living schemes across the country. Here’s an update on our plans plus details of our kitchen replacement programme and a new scheduled repairs pilot project.
10 May 2016
Care and Support update from John Glenton
New Care and Support Executive Director John Glenton talks about the latest from Riverside, including news from our recent Customer Involvement Day and our investment programme.
9 May 2016
![Alison Halstead, Riverside's Head of Retirement Living, and customers looking at iPad usage](https://www.riverside.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/ALISONHA-368x220.jpg)