Keys to Succeed – NSAP


The Crossings, 55 Great Union Street, Hull, HU91AG

The Keys to Succeed service provides intensive, tailor made tenancy support and accommodation on Assured Shorthold Tenancies for people that have previous experience of rough sleeping following in from the Everyone In programme.. We support learning skills such as budgeting, paying bills, maintaining a tenancy, avoid eviction and accessing supporting agencies.

All customers receive:

  • A risk assessment and support plan tailored to the client’s needs
  • A weekly support session
  • Advocacy in support of client with relevant agencies
  • Signpost client to health providers
  • Apply for the right benefits
  • Help client access employment and training

The service is staffed as follows:

Manager on site 2 days a week and telephone support 3 days a week 9-5

1 support workers on shift between 8-5, 5 days a week

Clients have a dedicated Support Worker and a support plan tailored to their needs to ensure that they:

  • Maintain their tenancy
  • Are in receipt of the correct benefits
  • Are registered with a G.P. and dentist
  • Address any debts and have affordable payment plans in place
  • Reduce anti-social behaviour
  • Are working toward independent housing

Referral to this service is via Hull Generic floating Support.