St Ambrose Court, Hull


How we help at Ambrose Court

Located in Hull, Ambrose Court provides housing and support to people with a learning disability, including those with complex needs.

We build confidence and skills to empower people with learning disabilities to live independently.

Young People Learning

You’ll find:

  • Two bedroomed flats, one adapted for physical disability; second bedroom can be used for a carer or additional support
  • Staff on with out-of-hours support available around the clock via telephone 
  • Support increased in times of crisis and stress
  • Dedicated Support Worker who will work with you, and your family, to develop a Support Plan to meet your individual needs.
  • Confidence building around living skills, from budgeting to applying for benefits
  • Help to establish community based support networks

How it works

We work in partnership with Hull Churches Housing Association.  We take self-referrals and referrals from families, people returning to Hull and Statutory Agencies.

You must be homeless or at risk of homelessness, aged 18 or over, have a learning disability, and be in receipt of benefits. Accommodation is long-term, however we’ll support you to move-on once you feel confident to do so, with follow-up support after you leave.

Getting the most out of our service

  • We work with you to build confidence and self-esteem to help you maintain your learning disability and gain independence in your life.
  • Our focus is on improving your physical and mental well-being, as well as practical support, to help you plan now and set goals for the future.
  • We’ll support you to maintain a tenancy, reduce debts, improve relationships, and establish your own networks of support to become self-managing.

Why we are different

At Ambrose Court, our experienced staff understand the challenges people with learning disabilities can face. We empower you to break the cycle of homelessness and become self-sufficient.  We work to support you to fulfil your ambitions and goals.


St Ambrose Court, Honiton Road, Bransholme, Hull, HU7 4JG