Riverside, which manages homes on the North Bransholme estate, has been successful in evicting a persistently nuisance tenant.
Michael Redman was evicted from his Riverside flat on Falkirk Close, North Bransholme on 11th July at midday after a warrant was executed by the Court.
Redman, A tenant of Riverside for a 6 year period, had been extensively supported in maintaining this tenancy by Riverside and the Local Policing Team during this period.
Riverside deployed a comprehensive range of responses to frequent complaints of poor conduct from Mr Redman including, but not limited to; referrals to support agencies, joint visits with the Police and Acceptable Behaviour Contracts. During 2015 Michael’s behaviour worsened, usually in drink, and Riverside, in response to daily complaints of drunken behaviour, inappropriate remarks to others and damage to property successfully obtained an ASB Injunction against Michael Redman.
This ASB Injunction utilised new powers afforded through the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act (2014) where by Michael was prohibited from behaving badly, but also compelled into receiving support for his issues.
Whilst the Injunction did have an impact on reducing Michael’s problematic behaviour the Injunction was breached and Riverside committed these breaches to Court whereby Michael was issued with a suspended custodial sentence.
During March, April and May of 2016 Michael continued to demonstrate nuisance behaviour towards his neighbours in the form of offensive language, disturbing and loud behaviour, Riverside were left with no option but to seek Michael’s eviction from his home. This application was made at the Hull County Court successfully with the Judge highlighting Riverside had done everything conceivable to try and safeguard his tenancy and the making of such an order was reasonable.
Carl Beacock, Riverside said “Riverside were hopeful that the Anti Social Behaviour order obtain in November 2015 would have been sufficient enough to prevent Mr Redman from creating any further nuisance but it is with regret that due to breaches of the order Riverside had no other option than to proceed with the application to evict. Riverside will not tolerate instances of breached injunctions that affected our residents in the way this did. “
Riverside has a zero tolerance approach to dealing with anti-social behaviour of any description. If you are a victim of anti-social behaviour or wish to report problems to Riverside you can contact our 24 hour Customer Service Centre on 0345 111 0000.