Riverside, one of Hull’s largest landlords, has been successful in evicting a nuisance tenant in the Homethorpe area that persistently failed to improve their conduct.
On Monday, 20th June, 2016, an Eviction warrant was executed by the Court bailiff at the address of 135 Homethorpe, Kingston upon Hull which is owned by Riverside. The property was formerly tenanted by a Miss Roxanne Brooks and her partner, Aiden Porteous.
Prior to this eviction Riverside had worked with colleagues from Humberside Police and Hull City Council’s Neighbourhood Nuisance Team to resolve persistent issues of, but not limited to, excessively loud music, nuisance visitors, nuisance from motorbikes/quad-bikes, instances of verbal abuse to neighbours, misuse of communal areas and damage to property principally caused by visitors to the address of Roxanne Brooks.
As an alternative to eviction proceedings Riverside obtained Anti Social Behaviour Injunctions against both Roxanne Brooks and Aiden Porteous. These Injunctions had conditions that prevented any further nuisance or disruption within the Homethorpe area and the Injunction imposed upon Aiden Porteous made it an offence for him to be either at the address of 135 Homethorpe or in the general Homethorpe area.
Regrettably Aiden Porteous breached the terms of this Injunction on a number of occasions by entering the excluded area.
Riverside, with the support of Humberside Police and the Neighbourhood Nuisance Team, were able to prove these breaches and committed Aiden Porteous to Court where a prison term of 3 months was imposed, but suspended for a duration of two years.
Riverside were left with no further option but to seek the eviction of both Roxanne and Aiden and a Court Order for their eviction was issued at the Hull County Court and this was executed on Monday 20th June at 10.30am bringing this tenancy to an end. It is now hoped that residents within the Homethorpe area can look forward to a higher level of peace where they live.
Carl Beacock Riverside’s Anti Social Behaviour Officer said “Seeking the eviction of a tenant is seldom the desired outcome, but we had attempted numerous interventions to resolve the issues without success.”
“Riverside has a zero tolerance approach to dealing with anti-social behaviour of any description. We are a victim focussed organisation and the matter had reached a point where the Defendant’s behaviour was causing a lot of distress to their neighbours. Despite comprehensive attempts at intervention the situation demonstrated no improvement so our hand was forced.
If you are a victim of anti-social behaviour or wish to report any problems to Riverside you can contact our 24 hour Customer Service Centre on 0345 111 0000.