Planning and resilience

Within the Liverpool City Region, alongside customers and key stakeholders we have developed Community Plans to address issues and challenges within a neighbourhood. Local Offers are produced as part of the plan, which provide feedback on customer surveys in the form of a leaflet (‘you said, we did’ style), which is posted to customers.

Our Community Plans currently cover Murdishaw, North Liverpool, Dovecot, Huyton, Princess/Old Cantril and Peel Road neighbourhoods. A few examples of the customer feedback they tackled include:

“We want more community events” – We supported a Community Summer Fun Day and a Jubilee Event at the Brookvale Recreation Centre in partnership with Onward Homes.

“Young people need more support” – We developed a comprehensive support directory which contains details of local services for younger people accessible via our website.

“Food bills are too expensive” – We are working with an organisation called Can Cook to give families an opportunity to purchase affordable fresh ingredients and create nutritious meals from scratch.

“There is a problem with weeds” – We completed work in Athol Village to tidy up the communal area along canal walkways. This will include cutting back ivy, strimming weeds/applying weedkiller and removing buddleia growing from canal walls.

“There are illegal money-lenders operating in the area” – We signpost customers to the Illegal Money Lending Team set up by the Government.

In 2023/24 will be developing Community Plans for Picton, Halton Brook, Netherley, Belle Vale and Lee Park neighbourhoods.