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Health and wellbeing top of the list for Retirement Living
Riverside are continuing to improve services for Retirement Living tenants – putting health and wellbeing at the top of the agenda.
25 Oct 2016
National fraud initiative
As part of our duty to protect public money, Riverside takes part in the National Fraud Initiative data matching exercise along with other housing associations. Data matching involves comparing data with other housing associations to identify and prevent things like illegal sub-letting and benefit fraud. This is being done in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and Riverside’s Privacy
12 Sep 2016
Helping young people
A project helping young people avoid losing their homes has delivered amazing results, saving Riverside almost £350,000 in tenancy turnover costs. In 2015/16, the Intensive Intervention team engaged with 147 people aged between 16 and 30 and referred many to money advice, affordable warmth and employment and training services as well as to external support services like mental health agencies. They
12 Sep 2016
Back to work support
Riverside’s employment and training team helped 624 people nationwide into work this year. With Punjabi her first language, and having recently relocated from India, Gurpreet had no idea how to apply for jobs in this country. After being referred to Riverside, she secured a place on a four-day employability course we ran with Asda. Employment and Training Officer Radthika Kathrani said: “It was great to see her
12 Sep 2016
Changes to benefits
The Government has made changes to some benefits. Here’s how they could affect you. Housing Benefit backdating If you are of working age and make a new claim or your circumstances change, you can only backdate a claim by one month. Tell your Housing Benefit office about any changes, or a new claim, straight