Peppercorn Lodge, Suffolk


How we help at Peppercorn Lodge

Supported housing for young parents affected by relationship issues, mental health difficulties, substance misuse or homelessness.

Petting Zoo visits Eliazabeth Court in Chatham.

You’ll find:

  • The team work with you to identify support needs, education, and training & employment opportunities along with 1-2-1 support with wider life skills such as Shopping on a Budget sessions, parenting, maintaining accommodation and personal hygiene.
  • There is a regular programme of social activities to develop customer involvement and build self-esteem such as health eating sessions, confidence and resilience, sexual health.
  • Help to identify move-on accommodation via liaison with local housing associations and private landlords. There is also a three-month follow up tenancy sustainment support once customers are living independently.

T: 01473 687779

Peppercorn Lodge, 8 Peppercorn Way, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP2 8RT