Guildford HOST


Vaughan House, 5-7 Chertsey Street, Guildford, GU1 4HD

The Guildford HOST Service is an outreach and support service for people aged 18 and over that are rough sleeping, or at risk of rough sleeping, in the Guildford area.

HOST is a creative, passionate and people focused service, supporting vulnerable people to achieve their life aspirations. HOST’s ethos is of positive engagement and support to open doors for greater opportunities, and to break the cycle of rough sleeping and homelessness. HOST actively promote the service through partnering agencies and raise public awareness around rough sleeping.

Funded by Guildford Borough Council, the service is available to any person aged 18 or over who is rough sleeping or at risk of rough sleeping in the borough. HOST will help people whose local connection is elsewhere to reconnect to their home area. Support is also provided to those who have rough slept in the past seeking to maintain and manage tenancies during this difficult transition period.

The service operated Monday – Friday, 8am till 6pm, with a weekend on call service operating from 9am-5pm.

Some key features of Guildford HOST are:

  • A personalised support package tailored to meet individual’s needs
  • Support to access GP, mental health and wellbeing services
  • Support to access Drug and Alcohol counselling, including detox and community treatment services, including practical harm reduction support
  • Signposting to partnering agencies to access specialist support
  • Help to access temporary accommodation/supported housing
  • Assistance to help manage finances and reduce debt
  • An advocacy service to support customers to exercise your housing and welfare benefit rights
  • Access to specialist employment, education and training opportunities
  • Support to develop positive social support networks
  • Support for people sofa surfing or in other short-term housing arrangements
  • A Psychologically Informed Environment (PIE) approach to achieve creative outcomes

Guildford HOST is the first point of contact for rough sleepers in the Guildford area, working with Guildford Borough Council and partner agencies to deliver Guildford’s Severe Weather Emergency Provision, ensuring no one has to sleep rough in severe weather conditions.

HOST actively supports people to prevent homelessness, including both support to access private rented accommodation as well as assisting a return home.

If you wish to report a rough sleeper, call 01483 302495, which is available 24/7 or email [email protected]