Helping younger tenants

Housing Officer Kerry Watterson works with tenants aged between 16 and 30 who have difficulties in their lives that can affect their ability to manage their home.

Since August 2015, Kerry has helped more than 30 customers to reduce rent arrears by over £5,000. 

Colin,* a Wirral tenant, had been taken into care when he was younger and had no support from family. He had rent arrears of more than £2,000 and was facing eviction when he was referred to Kerry.

Benefit sanctions and a series of temporary zero-hours contracts caused confusion with Universal Credit payments and he also had bailiffs due to arrive for non-payment of council tax. 

With Kerry’s support, Colin avoided eviction. His Universal Credit was reinstated and he is now reducing his rent and council tax arrears.

Colin is now working with Kerry to look at options for training and employment, and to support his other needs.

Kerry has supported customers with tenancy management, signposting to Riverside’s Employment and Training, and Money Advice teams. She has also helped with funding and helped new tenants access grants for furniture and white goods.

If you need help from Kerry, call us on Tel: 0345 111 0000. We can offer home visits at times to suit you.

This project is funded by the Riverside Foundation, a registered charity that exists to support charitable activity in the areas where Riverside works.

* Name changed