LGBT conference call

Riverside is hosting its third conference focusing on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) issues. 

The event, open to everyone regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, will take place on June 2, 2016, in Liverpool.

If necessary, we can arrange travel and accommodation and can also cater for special dietary needs. Attendees will meet staff from
Riverside’s LGBT staff group Spectrum and fellow tenants and residents, hear about Riverside’s progress on LGBT issues and our achievements with Stonewall.

You’ll also have the chance to tell us how we can improve services for you. Feedback from people who attended previous conferences has been positive. 

One said: “There was a feeling of friendship amongst the group. It’s very reassuring that Riverside is so involved in LGBT issues.”

Another added: “On the whole the day was very well put together, with some very good ideas and the support Riverside is giving to LGBT tenants is fantastic.”

The conference will once again be sponsored by the Riverside Tenants and Residents Federation. To book a place, email:
[email protected].