Meet our Asset Officer

Asset Officer Andrew Tyczynski

Asset Officer Andrew Tyczynski


What do you enjoy most about your job and why?

The balance between being in the office and then ‘out and about’ surveying is one of the best parts of the job. I also enjoy meeting tenants and solving repair issues to their homes.

What is your biggest work related achievement so far?

Being successful in the interview stage was a massive achievement for me and starting the role at a large organisation.

What would be your one desert island item and why?

I do not think I could go without my smart phone as I regularly speak to family and friends on the device.

What is your favourite book or film and why?

I am not fond of reading books but my favourite film is probably Layer Cake, a true British classic. A more well-known favourite has to be Men in Black.

Who would play you in a film about your life and why?

Jenson Button or Lewis Hamilton, as I seem to spend most of my time driving in the car!