Would you like to play a role supporting Riverside’s Board improve services for all our tenants, residents and customers?
Remuneration £3k
Riverside is establishing a new committee, entitled the Neighbourhood Services Committee. Its purpose will be to support the Board of the Riverside Group Limited by undertaking detailed consideration and monitoring of services. This will involve overseeing the performance and customer experience nationally of all Riverside’s social housing and home ownership services.
It will have particular responsibility for improving our customers’ experience of services and ensure they are well managed and deliver value for money. It will facilitate comprehensive customer feedback about the quality and nature of services and make sure that this feedback this has a real influence on decision making.
There will be three places on this committee for representatives nominated by the Riverside Tenants and Residents Federation Executive, two of whom must be Riverside tenants. The nominations for these vacancies will be agreed by the Riverside Tenants and Residents Federation Executive Committee and forwarded to Riverside’s Governance and Remuneration Committee of the Board for final selection.
The term of office will be for three years from October 2016 and the Committee will meet, during normal working hours, a minimum of six times a year. There will be £3,000 remuneration for serving on this committee, and this may affect any working-age applicants currently claiming benefits.
If you are interested in being nominated for one of these vacancies please complete and return the expression of interest form overleaf by Friday 09 September 2016 to:
Email: [email protected]
Post: Freepost RRXS-XGEX-LZGC, Riverside Tenants and Residents Federation, 2 Estuary Boulevard, Estuary Commerce Park, Liverpool L24 8RF.
Prior to your nomination being put forward for consideration to the Federation Executive on 15 September 2016 there will be a check with your local housing staff to ensure that you are in adherence to your tenancy agreement.