Riverside Group Podcast

Couple using a tablet computer

Riverside has a podcast that you can subscribe and download to find out the latest news from us.

The podcast is an audio version of our newsletters that you can download or stream from the internet on your mobile, tablet or computer.

A podcast lets you automatically receive the latest newsletter as soon as it’s available.

You can “subscribe” to receive a podcast, get it delivered when a new one is available. We upload all our newsletters to the podcast feed so you will need to pick the one that’s relevant to your area. All the podcast are titled with what they contain. The Riverside podcast is free, and you can stop receiving the files at any time. If you’d rather not subscribe, you can download episodes of a podcast series individually.

In order to subscribe for a podcast, you need an internet connection and a piece of podcast software which is usually available free of charge. Once you have installed this software, it will check Riverside and automatically download new newsletters for you.

You can then listen to podcast episodes on your computer, or transfer them to a portable device, such as an mp3 player.

The podcast features local news and vital information about your services.

It is available as a direct download from here

To subscribe via iTunes click here

Or to subscribe via a different podcatcher click here

Or cut and paste http://feeds.feedburner.com/RiversideGroupPodcast into your podcatcher of choice


Podcasting Apps

Some suggested podcasting apps

iTunes Podcasts App

Podcast Republic
Podcast Addict
