The numbers are in…Riverside/One Housing Group partnership consultation closes

Our consultation on a proposed partnership between Riverside and One Housing Group has now closed.

The six week consultation, which began on September 6, was shaped in co-ordination with a group of customers and asked for your views on the proposal for the two organisations to form a complementary partnership.

The idea is that we are better and stronger together and therefore can do more for you and the communities we serve.

Having been sent a 16 page document providing more information about the proposals, all customers of both organisations were offered the chance to give their views via an independent survey provider, BMG.

Respondents submitted both comments on the proposal and an answer to the question: “What are your views on One Housing becoming part of the Riverside Group?”

All feedback is confidential – BMG will only provide us with total results and anonymous comments.

We had an excellent response with 3,632 people taking part. Thank you to all customers who responded.

The responses show that:

Having read the Partnership Pledges, what are your views on One Housing becoming part of the Riverside Group?
Riverside One Housing Total
I am strongly in favour 432 15.28% 104 12.94% 536 14.76%
I am in favour 1,008 35.64% 217 26.99% 1,225 33.73%
I am neutral 1,126 39.82% 299 37.19% 1,425 39.23%
I am against 103 3.64% 58 7.21% 161 4.43%
I am strongly against 159 5.62% 126 15.67% 285 7.85%
Total 2,828 100.00% 804 100.00% 3,632 100.00%


The responses will now be discussed with our Joint Customer Advisory Panel (JCAP), the group of customers from both organisations covering a variety of tenure types who helped to guide the process. We will also discuss the main messages that have come from the comments that have been made. The JCAP are being supported by TPAS, a leading tenant engagement company who have been serving as an independent advisor.

Once the responses and comments have been collated, they will be presented to the boards of both organisations in November, before they make a final decision about whether to go ahead with the partnership.

Once a decision is made, we will write to all customers to explain the outcome and next steps.

The Regulator of Social Housing has been kept informed of progress throughout.