So, let me explain how this is going to work. We are going to go on a journey together. You choose the destination. It will take as long as it needs to take. I am going to do my utmost to help you to get where you need to be. The vehicle that we are travelling in is over 90 years old now, but it is in great condition and safe to use.
Because: It is Trusted
You are the driver and I will be your passenger. You are in full control of the steering wheel, the gears and the breaks. I will be your help and support and will guide you to your destination. I will not touch the steering wheel or the gears but I may need to tell you when you need to slow down or speed up a little. I will tell you when there may be a hazard ahead. I will remain with you for the whole journey, and if we break down or have a flat tyre I will stay with you until the help arrives.
Because: I Care
The road may be uneven and bumpy at times and there may be long hold ups and diversions. We may need to take another route and it may take longer, but I will stay with you until you get to where you need to be. If your driving isn’t great and you lose control at times, I will listen and reassure you and be patient. If we end up stranded for a while and we need help from others I will wait with you in the dark. I won’t give up on you.
Because: I am Courageous
Now I will tell you a secret…
I spent three years trying to learn to drive. I went through 7 driving instructors. I did a three day intensive course that guarantees you to pass. I failed. A colleague put me on her car insurance and took me out for a lesson. I nearly ran over a sheep. She took me off her car insurance the next day as she didn’t want her premiums to go up. I got in to a lot of debt having four hour lessons daily. I finally took my test after three cancellations because I wasn’t ready. Turn in the road: I failed. Parallel parking: I failed. Reversing around a corner: I failed. Hill start: I failed. Emergency stop: I failed. I failed my practical driving test after burning out the clutch, mounting the pavement, and breaking the speed limit numerous times nearly causing an accident. I got 6 majors and 49 minors.
I gave up driving that day after the realisation that I am more useful, happier and safer as a passenger rather than a driver. I have been on many, many journeys with our Riverside Customers and I have helped many to get to their destination and they have all passed their test and parked safely.
Okay, so I may not be able to drive but I can do this!
Kevin Hodgin – Support Worker Region 5, ‘Our Riverside Way’ Ambassador