Sarah moved in to one of our support services in February 2022. She has a mild learning disability, was alcohol dependent, and had a gambling issue. This is her story in her own words:
“I moved in during February 2022. I was a mess, and I was drinking too much. I had a gambling problem too.
The support from the staff has been amazing, but back then I did not listen to anyone. Something bad happened to me in June 2022.
I stopped drinking, and I started to look after myself. The support from the staff was great, but things got better for me due to my amazing support worker.
Paul understands where I have been. I am still sober today after one year of sobriety. I am looking forward to moving on, and I am Gold Banded with the Council. This is all thanks to my amazing Support Worker Paul.”
Sarah has done amazingly well during her time with us.
She has engaged with all of the support on offer to her. She has been able focus on her hobbies, including diamond art, reading, and going for walks with the team. We are delighted to say that she’ll soon be moving into more independent accommodation with some floating support.
From Kevin Hodgin, Service Manager