Cumbria Choice is the county’s choice-based lettings scheme. If you live in a Riverside property in Cumbria and are thinking of moving. It’s worth reading their update below about key improvements they are making to services.
Message from Cumbria Choice
We wish to provide our customers and applicants with an overview of the changes to the Cumbria Choice Policy and system that we will be making in 2022.
During consultation with customers and our stakeholders in 2020, we were informed that our customers wanted an easy-to-understand policy and a simple system that would function on a mobile phone, tablet, or computer.
What will we be delivering?
- A new and improved Cumbria Choice website
- An easy to navigate customer housing portal
- The ability for customers to reset their own passwords
- A shorter more intuitive application form
- The flexibility to upload evidence to your housing application yourself
- A modern website, showing adverts complete with a map view search option
- Reduction of our current banding system to 3 simple bands A. B. and C.
Band A – Urgent need for housing
Band B – Statutory housing need to move
Band C – All other applications with an evidenced housing need
- Unlimited bids each week for applicants in Band C
- Nine qualification guidelines
- The ability to suspend applications which previously may have been made ineligible. This means if an applicant is suspended due to unacceptable behaviour or housing-related debts, they will be registered to the system allowing them to accrue time on the register, but they will be prevented from bidding. This will allow applicants time to address any issues before bidding can take place.
Do you need to do anything?
Please don’t panic! You don’t need to do anything.
We will update our website when the changes are closer to being implemented with a fixed date for the changes. All changes when applied will occur automatically for you.