Some customers have contacted us to ask us about Voluntas and what they do.
They’re a professional, accredited research company and help Riverside carry out confidential telephone surveys with you about the services you receive from us. The results are anonymised.
Voluntas help us with:
- The customers’ satisfaction survey (known as STAR), which focuses on key areas like repairs and complaints. Findings are published monthly on our website and in the annual report to customers.
- A survey of customers who have moved into a newly-built property in the last year. The survey is usually done in January, April, July and October.
- The repairs survey, sent by SMS to all customers who have had a repair, unless you don’t have a mobile, you’ve already been contacted in the last month, or you’ve asked not to be surveyed. Messages are free to reply to.
Voluntas follow the Market Research Code of Conduct and all our surveys are carried out by trained market researchers.
We use your feedback to improve services, compare our results with other housing associations, and follow up on any issues, with your permission.