Passionate about volunteering
Volunteers have been central in all we do at Riverside for a long time. Whether it’s the customer who gives their time to support new people entering one of our Supported Housing services, a member of the public who helps run coffee mornings or someone who has experienced homelessness helping others in a similar position, volunteers are enriching our services and helping tailor them to suit our customers’ needs.
At Riverside, we value volunteering for the many positive outcomes it brings which includes:
- Increasing the range of skills and life experiences within the organisation.
- Introducing a fresh perspective which can help challenge perceptions of both customers and colleagues.
- Complementing, enriching and extending the services we provide.
- Creating alternative routes into employment and overcoming barriers to recruitment.
There are also lots of benefits for those who choose to volunteer their time with us including:
- Building confidence.
- Gaining new skills in a Supported Housing setting which can help when looking for jobs.
- Using their skills and lived experiences to create positive outcomes for the people they support.
Volunteering is already an integral part of our approach to supporting our customers and the services we provide. There are many volunteers currently registered with us, freely donating their time across all regions in Care & Support.
We have specialist Volunteer Coordinators across Care & Support with a remit to recruit and support volunteers and to coordinate volunteer activity within their region/service.
This video shows the commitment and impact that Volunteering has at Riverside:
The positive impact that volunteering brings has long been acknowledged by Riverside and we have a commitment to encouraging colleagues to engage in meaningful volunteer opportunities.
All Riverside colleagues are gifted 2 days paid leave annually to take part in volunteer activities in our services, in our neighbourhoods or for purposes which reflect Riverside’s values and goals.
Riverside colleagues have used their time to support a massive variety of good causes including tree planting, homeless outreach work and fundraising for our charitable partner, Church Homeless Charity.
By using their volunteer days, colleagues have taken the opportunity to develop skills and experiences whilst having a positive impact on the lives of the people we support, our services and the wider community.
Additionally, Riverside welcomes volunteers from external companies as part of their Corporate Social Value commitments and has in the past welcomed teams from companies including B&Q, BT and the Royal Air Force.
To find out more about how you can get involved in volunteering at riverside, email us at [email protected].