Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs)

Our approach


Who takes part?

The Tenant Satisfaction Measures reported show Riverside’s mid-year performance (April 2024 – September 2024). Performance measures from the satisfaction survey are based on 3181 responses received during that time. If you have taken part, thank you for sharing your views. This provides us with an accurate picture of how our customers are feeling about the services they receive from us. IFF Research carry this survey out on behalf of Riverside. Customers are not offered incentives to take part.

IFF select participants at random, whilst also ensuring they receive feedback from customers across our different tenures and regions. All of our different tenure types are covered by these regulatory requirements, with the exception of Leaseholders. Our Scottish tenants are also not covered by this English regulatory requirement but are included within the survey which we report to the Scottish Housing Regulator.

We also check how representative our respondents are of our customer profile – looking into age group, ethnicity, disability, gender, sexuality and religion – to ensure we’re hearing views from all backgrounds.


The survey is ongoing throughout the year to enable us to listen to the very latest views and respond quickly. Results are reported every month and comments are reviewed on an ongoing basis by the relevant teams. On a quarterly basis we carry out deep dives into the topics which need attention, so we can ensure the relevant strategic and local action is carried out. If customers have selected that they are happy to be contacted about their response, and where concerns are raised, our Housing Services team will get in touch to discuss how we can put things right. Where comments are raised which are deemed a cause for concern such as safeguarding or welfare, these are confidentially passed on to the relevant colleague to act on efficiently. Where we receive staff praise and positive feedback we also always ensure that is passed onto the relevant teams.


IFF gather customer feedback for our TSM performance through our perception survey. So far this year, IFF has collected 69% of responses through telephone surveys and 31% through online surveys. This enables us to gather feedback from a broader range of customers, ensuring that our results represent everyone. IFF carry out many other transactional surveys across a range of our services such as repairs, building safety checks, and complaints. Feedback from these surveys do not contribute to the TSM results but is instead used to keep a closer eye on customer experience as services are delivered.


We ask a set of questions set out by the Regulator, which have to be asked a specific order and use specific wording to enable comparison with other landlords. The regulator’s guidance is here.

Download our survey script