Fire Safety Management policy
PrintThe Riverside Group Fire Safety Management Policy
September 2023
On this page:
1. Purpose
The aim of this policy is to proactively manage the potential risk to life arising from fire in buildings owned or managed by Riverside or its subsidiaries.
This Policy sets the key objectives, control measures and accountabilities for ensuring fire safety and sets out the steps RIVERSIDE will take to identify, assess, and control risks of fire.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure Riverside meets its obligations under the following legislation:
- The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
- Fire (Scotland) Act 2005
- The Fire Safety Act 2021
- The Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022
- Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (Amendment) Regulations 2022
- TRG PEEP Policy
Other relevant codes of practice and standards are referenced within the Riverside Fire Management Plan.
2. Scope
This policy applies to all fire safety risks and fire safety equipment within all buildings owned or managed by Riverside.
Riverside will undertake Fire Risk Assessments (FRAs) in qualifying buildings. Buildings are risk rated from level 1 to level 3, with the occurrence of survey carried out over the corresponding 1–3 year frequency. Riverside will carry out and document FRAs for:
- Offices and business premises occupied and managed by Riverside.
- The communal areas of blocks of flats
- The communal areas of Extra Care, Sheltered and Supported Housing Schemes
- Houses in Multiple Occupation
- Communal buildings such as community centres
- Commercial buildings
- Pre-occupation
N.B. FRAs are not required in individual private dwellings, including self-contained flats.
3. Principles
Riverside will undertake the following:
Develop positive working relationships with Primary Authority Partner the London Fire Brigade (LFB) and local fire authorities, local housing authorities and 3rd party managing agents, including complying with any enforcement or fire matter notices issued in writing, ensuring all works are completed.
Fire Risk Assessments
- Carry out regular Fire Risk Assessments in all premises as required by the legislation, to the agreed 1–3 year frequencies.
- Appoint suitably qualified and competent persons to undertake fire risk assessments.
- Keep a register of Fire Risk Assessments [the FRA Register] recording the date of the last assessment.
- Identify & deal with any hazards or lack of suitable fire management controls found, by taking corrective and remedial actions [Fire Actions] as appropriate.
- Keep a register of Fire Actions [the Fire Action Register] recording the due date to complete the action (as set out in the FRA) and the actual date of completion.
External Wall systems
- In accordance with the Fire Safety Act 2022, external wall systems/cladding are checked by fire risk assessors for any non-conforming materials that are not of limited combustibility. PAS9980 surveys to be commissioned if issues found by FRA surveyor.
- PAS9980 surveys reviewed for actions and appropriate remediation or proportionate mitigations completed.
- Provide and maintain safe means of escape from premises in the event of a fire.
- Ensure fire evacuation strategy is appropriate for each building taking into account resident profile and tenure type.
Fire Safety Equipment
- All care & supported housing properties and all communal areas will be appropriately equipped with fire protection equipment and emergency lighting, fire doors, and safety signs.
- Ensure appropriate arrangements are in place for the effective planning, organisation, control, monitoring and review of fire prevention and protective measures.
- Maintain all fire safety equipment and installations to current British Standards and undertake regular inspections and operational functional testing through our building safety inspectors in line with our risk-based approach (risk level classification and frequency, subject to dynamic risk assessment)
Staff training & competence
- Ensure all colleagues receive training appropriate to their duties under the RRFSO and those with delegated responsibility for fire safety through our training and competency framework.
- Ensure emergency escalation arrangements are in place and tested to protect colleagues and customers.
- Conduct thorough investigations and learn from outcomes of fire incidents where protection measure has failed.
- Monitor false alarms to track trends that may highlight alarm issues or vulnerable residents.
Smoke & Carbon monoxide detection
- At least one smoke alarm will be installed on every storey which is used as living accommodation.
- A carbon monoxide alarm will be installed in every room which is used as living accommodation containing combustion appliance (excluding gas cookers).
- Smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms are repaired or replaced once informed and found that they are faulty.
- Undertake checks to ensure alarms are in proper working order at the start of a new tenancy.
4. Further Information and Support
The Riverside Fire Management Plan provides further information regarding Riverside’s approach to managing fire safety and provides further detailed requirements on key roles and responsibilities.
5. Roles and Responsibilities
Executive Director of Asset Services
- Responsible for overall policy implementation
- Ensure that adequate resources are made available to enable the objectives of the policy to be met.
Director of Building Safety
- The Accountable risk lead with responsibility to appoint a responsible person and to ensure a Fire Safety Policy and Fire Management Plan is in place and a strategic risk register is in place which documents the key risks, controls and assurance required.
AD/Head of Building/Fire Safety
- The named Responsible Person for the purposes of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
- Management of legal compliance and for delivery of the key policy objectives, ensure the implementation of the policy, implementing the fire management plan, procedures, staff training, and communication to customers and colleagues.
Building Safety Manager (Fire Strategy & Delivery)
- Accountable Person and responsible for policy setting, risk reduction strategy and setting our management response to our legal requirements and acts as the Groups lead advisor.
Compliance Manager/Contracts Manager
- Accountable person for compliance with Smoke & Carbon monoxide detection regulations, for maintain accurate record of compliance, setting our management response to our legal requirements in terms of access and records.
Senior Building Safety Officer (Fire Risk) & Senior Compliance Officer (Fire Systems)/FRA Program Manager
- Management of FRA Survey and Fire Safety System Servicing and Maintenance contractors.
- Ensuring all FRA and Servicing follow on work are carried out and maintaining and updating the compliance register C365.
Head of Health Safety & Environment
- Responsible for ensuring the policy is kept up to date with prevailing legislation.
6. Risks
Whilst the strategic approach to Fire and Building Safety is not risk averse in terms of adopting innovation and striving to be a leader in the sector, the safety of Riverside customers and colleagues is a key priority for the organisation. Therefore, there is no appetite for risk in terms fire and building safety and compliance with the law.
There is however a tolerance for risk in adopting a proportionate approach to fire and building safety activities, risk assessment and the controls implemented.
Key risks are monitored through a set of monthly Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s). The suite of KPI’s is embedded with the executive management and governance reporting structure.
A fire and building safety risk register is maintained and regularly reviewed to ensure a proactive approach to risk identification, reduction, and control.
7. Appeal and Complaints
We aim to meet all our obligations to keep our buildings, customers and colleagues safe. To maintain an effective safety testing, installation, maintenance, and servicing regime as detailed in this policy. We will respond to complaints regarding safety concerns in line with our Complaints Policy and Customer Feedback Procedure.
8. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Riverside is committed to Equality, Diversity & Inclusion. We strive to be fair in our dealings with all people, communities and organisations, taking into account the diverse nature of their culture and background and actively promoting inclusion. This policy aligns with Riverside’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy and has been subject to an Equality Impact Assessment.