Stay warm this winter with Riverside

Riverside can help you stay warm this winter

Riverside has a new team of Affordable Warmth Officers to help support tenants who struggle to heat their homes stay warm this winter.

If you are worried about what you’re spending and want to reduce costs, you can often make quick and easy savings by checking how much you are paying for gas and electricity.

Call our energy-switching partner My Home Energy Switch on Tel: 0800 0014 706 for a free, impartial look at your options, or visit their website to see how much you can save. Our top saver so far this year has reduced their utility bills by a whopping £413.25!

You can also contact our Customer Service Centre on Tel: 0345 111 0000 and ask to speak to your Affordable Warmth Officer. They will be able to offer advice on home energy saving, the best use of heating systems, applying for the Warm Home Discount, getting on the Priority Service Register, how to switch energy suppliers, and managing utility arrears.