Your Retirement Living – Winter 2018

Health and Wellbeing Highlights… 

The last few months have seen more and more tenants accessing our health and wellbeing service and a range of interesting and intriguing activities taking place in Retirement Living schemes across the country. Some highlights include:

Dogs Trust – Pet Therapy

October saw the Pet Therapy dogs visiting schemes nationally delivering therapeutic pet sessions helping us in our campaign to reduce loneliness and isolation. Zina, a tenant at Trinity Close, said: “it was really lovely to see an animal in the scheme, I think it really brought the place alive.”

NatWest – Scam Prevention

September’s Staying Sharp and Keeping Savvy campaign was delivered in partnership with NatWest who took their tailored Scam Awareness sessions directly to our schemes, to help keep our customers stay safe from fraudsters.

Holistic Therapies – Health Sessions

We have been working with holistic therapy companies nationally to offer taster sessions in our schemes. Sessions include reiki tasters, crystal healing and candle aromatherapy, to potentially heal body, soul and mind.

We want to ensure that the activities we offer are customer led

If you would like to see similar events in your scheme or you have a particular event in mind that you would like assistance with, please do not hesitate to contact our Health and Wellbeing Service by email [email protected] or contact us and ask to speak to your local Health & Wellbeing Coordinator.


Although our Retirement Living schemes are vibrant, friendly places to live, we appreciate not all our tenants are able to get involved. 

With this in mind we have created befriending volunteering roles which give our tenants the opportunity to reach out to those who may be on their own.

Improving services

Befrienders might pop round to someone’s property for a cup of tea, accompany them to a doctor’s appointment or even help with the weekly shop.

Befrienders can provide a vital link to some people who may go for days without speaking to another person.

We’re always on the lookout for more befrienders. If you would like to help someone and become a befriender, or just like more information on opportunities in your area, email [email protected]

Get involved

Look out for more information about this in your scheme. We really value your opinion and would like you to be involved – so if you’d like to find out more please speak to your Retirement Living Coordinator or email [email protected]