Working with you
PrintWe began an interim consultation on customer satisfaction. Customers told us they are mostly dissatisfied with the involvement opportunities we offer to them and how much we involve them in decision making and scrutiny. Customers told us they want to be more involved locally and online and want to hear more about involvement opportunities and the improvements we have made based on customer views. We have used the remainder of the year to plan a fuller customer consultation and engagement programme for 22/23, to explore more about what customers want to get involved with and have a say on.
Riverside Customer Voice Executive
[Number 11 members (as of March 22).]
Despite Covid disruption, it was business as usual for the Riverside Customer Voice Executive (RCVE) in representing customer views and scrutinising our performance. The RCVE were consulted on our strategies on repairs and maintenance and climate change, as well as helping us to shape our tenant satisfaction measures. We are working closely with RCVE representatives to ensure we meet the new regulations outlined in the Social Housing White Paper. The RCVE rated us against the Together with Tenants Charter and gave us a score of 2.6 out of 5.
Scrutiny Panel
The Customer Voice Scrutiny Panel has this year started a long-term project to look at our approach to anti-social behaviour and how we embed best practice.
Customer Complaint Panel
The panel has handled 10 of your complaints.
Customer Inspectors
Our Customer Inspectors did not carry out any inspections due to Covid restrictions.
The iCommunity were consulted on how we perform against the Together with Tenants Standards as well as rating us on how we involve customers in our governance and scrutiny. It has more than 1,000 members.
Care & Support
Our Care & Support services offer local opportunities to customers to be involved in the design and delivery of the service. This can include involvement in the recruitment and selection of new colleagues and volunteers; quality, health and safety inspections; organisation of social activities; policy and procedure reviews. These opportunities support improvements and give customers equal say in how the service they use should be delivered.
A Care & Support co-production procedure was launched in early 2022 which outlines our commitment to creating meaningful co-production activities which benefit our customers, colleagues and services.
In support of this work, we introduced a Co-Production Officer role to embed a consistent approach across Care & Support services. The officer has been in post since January 2022 and has developed a training plan which has been delivered to 165 Care & Support colleagues so far, as well as developing a network of ‘Co-Production Gurus’. We have also started developing a new reporting mechanism to monitor co-production activity.