In this section, you’ll find the latest information on the redevelopment of Riverside’s Lambeth estate, which is made up of Geoffrey Close, York Close and Canterbury Close.
Take a look at the videos below to see what the development will look like and what your new community will include.
Latest news
Our latest update
June 2024
The construction of the first new block is progressing well. Bellway completed the piling works this month and the piling rig was successfully removed from the estate. Groundwork and foundation works are in progress.
A tower crane is due to be erected on site in August, with substructure and concrete frame commencing after this. Dust and noise levels are regularly monitored by the construction team at Bellway to ensure they stay within the permitted levels, and we are working closely with them to minimise any disruption to the local community whilst works are ongoing.
Construction update
May 2024
Hoarding has now been erected through Geoffrey Close and around the new build for the first block, on the Kenbury Street frontage. CCTV and lighting has been installed to the hoarded areas.
On 17 May a piling rig will be delivered to site and this equipment will be used to drill holes into the ground, which are then filled with concrete and steel reinforcement to form the base of the foundations of the new building. Bellway anticipate these works (piling) to last approximately 3-4 weeks.
We anticipate that during this time there will be an increase in the level of construction noise. Bellway will continue to monitor noise throughout the duration of these works to ensure it remains within the permitted levels.
What’s next?
Drainage and ground works will take place next month, and Bellway anticipates the works to install the reinforcement concrete frame will start in July.
The following measure will be implemented to reduce dust and disruption:
- All dusty activities will be damped down, especially during dry weather.
- Long-term stockpiles of material will not be retained on site.
- Road edges and pavements will be cleaned as required using agreed wet cleaning methods.
- Hard standing areas for vehicles will be provided. They will be regularly inspected and cleaned as necessary.
We will continue to update you as Bellway make further progress with the construction of the first new block.
Phase one construction update
March 2024
We held an event with Bellway earlier this month to update residents on phase one construction, due to recommence this month.
At the event, Bellway presented the construction plan for phase one and answered questions from residents about the activities that will be taking place on the estate in the coming months. To allow works to resume, Bellway will suspend vehicle access to Geoffrey Close and parking bays on the estate from Friday 15 March.
A copy of the event presentation is available on this link. This covers the details of the upcoming construction activities and the measures Bellway will have in place to minimise disruption to residents while works are ongoing.
A number of queries were raised by residents after the presentation. You can access the answers to the questions raised at the event on this link. Over the coming months, we will continue to keep everyone updated on the ongoing works as Bellway will make progress with the construction of the first new block.
Geoffrey Close residents attend event
December 2023
We want to thank the residents who came along to our recent event where Senior Management from Riverside updated them on the status of the negotiations with Bellway.
Following the meeting, we have temporarily re-opened parking on Geoffrey Close while our conversations with Bellway are ongoing; we will continue to ensure that all residents who own a vehicle have a valid parking permit in place, so that they can park on surrounding roads once Bellway resumes works.
As we approach the end of 2023, we want to take the opportunity to thank residents for their patience and cooperation this year as we make progress with our negotiations with Bellway; we will continue to keep everyone updated on the next steps in the new year.
Construction update
September 2023
The construction works are currently being paused whilst negotiations between Riverside and our construction partners, Bellway remain ongoing. We want to reassure residents that we are working hard to mitigate the delays and enable the project to progress. We remain fully committed to keeping everyone informed throughout this process.
Enabling works to restart on site
June 2023
We are pleased to share the news that Bellway will restart site enabling works, in preparation for phase one construction. They will secure the area where the first 25 new homes will be built by installing temporary heras fencing; and will demolish the low wall along Kenbury Street, before erecting permanent hoarding.
Noise monitoring equipment will be used throughout the duration of these works. Bellway will monitor dust levels on site to ensure this is kept within safe limits and a fireman’s hose will be used for dust suppression.
What’s next?
We anticipate the following activities to take place in the coming months:
- Welfare cabins to be set up for Bellway
- Delivery of plant equipment
- Preparation of groundwork for construction of the first block to start.
Delay with enabling works on site
May 2023
We have written to residents about the lack of progress on site; and we are committed to sharing any new information with you on this as soon as it becomes available.
What’s the reason for the delay?
Due to an internal reorganisation, Bellway has transferred the Lambeth project to another division within their organisation, which they believe is better placed to deliver this project. Although this is causing a delay in the short term, Bellway has reassured us that this change will provide greater resources to deliver the scheme more efficiently going forward.
Riverside and Bellway’s commitment to regenerate the estate and to provide quality, new homes remains the same. On behalf of Bellway, we apologise again for this delay and we will continue to keep you updated on this.
Bellway makes progress with site enabling works
March 2023
Bellway has carried out further enabling works, including the removal of the concrete bollards and demolition of the pram sheds and bin stores along Geoffrey Close. This means that they will soon be able to secure the site by installing hoarding along the lines included in the Meet the Builder presentation from January.
We want to thank our residents for their cooperation during this time; we will continue to keep everyone updated about the upcoming works taking place on the estate.
Lambeth residents attend ‘Meet the Builder’ event
January 2023
Residents from York Close, Geoffrey Close and Canterbury Close had the chance to meet with Bellway and hear about the construction plan for phase one.
This included a timeline for the overall project and details of upcoming works taking place on the estate, and how those will impact them. Residents raised several questions and queries.
You can find answers to those in the Lambeth redevelopment FAQ section; and a copy of the event presentation on our Tenant Engagement page.
What’s happening?
Bellway is installing a temporary car park on the frontage next to 1-49 Geoffrey Close, to accommodate a small number of accessible parking bays for those who are registered disabled during construction.
Once this has been completed, Bellway will close off vehicle access to Geoffrey Close and parking on the estate will be suspended, to ensure the health and safety of our residents and allow construction to begin.
What’s next?
Bellway will install gates at both ends of Geoffrey Close to secure the site, so that they can progress with the next set of works. This will include removing concrete bollards, bin stores and pram sheds along Geoffrey Close, to ensure large lorries can access the area safely, before erecting hoarding next month.
We appreciate that, as we approach start on site, it may cause you some concern. Over the coming months, we will continue to engage with residents as building work gears up, to ensure everyone on the estate is kept up to date and any disruption to residents is kept to a minimum.
Phase One construction update
October 2022
This month, we have shared a brochure with our residents which provides the latest update on the regeneration of the Lambeth Estate as we continue to make progress with enabling works, as part of Phase One construction.
Thanks to those of you who came along to the drop-in surgeries which took place on the back of back of this, asked questions and shared your feedback on the future of your estate. Over the coming weeks and months, we will continue to engage with you as building work gears up.
In the brochure, you will find information on:
– What we have been doing
– What’s happening next
– Parking on the estate during construction
– Design changes
– Upcoming activities
– Indicative home layouts
– Housing management and Guardian update.
What’s happening now?
Bellway will continue to carry out enabling works this Autumn before we can start Phase One construction, the details of which are included in the brochure.
Temporary parking
In response to resident feedback, we feel it is important to provide some onsite parking during construction to those on the estate who are elderly, registered disabled and/or have mobility issues. Bellway has identified a suitable area which will accommodate a small number of accessible parking bays. We will write to relevant households as soon as we have further details on who these bays will be offered to.
What about parking
With phase one construction due to begin soon, we will be suspending parking on the estate to ensure the health and safety of our residents. We will be in contact with relevant households with further details on how to apply for a permit with Lambeth Council; and our team will be on site to offer support and access to a laptop if needed. We want to reassure you that we will cover the cost of the permit. The estate will not be closed off to vehicles until all eligible residents have either a CPZ parking permit or a temporary parking bay.
Enabling Works begin at the Lambeth Estate Ball Court
March 2022
Riverside’s construction partners, Bellway, have begun enabling works on Geoffrey Close, York Close and Canterbury Close.
This enabling work will involve:
- Closure of the ball court
- Putting up screening around the ball court
- Installing a construction cabin
- Putting up signage
- Installing drainage to facilitate the main site works
Lambeth tenants ‘Meet the Builder’, as construction work gears up to begin in the New Year
11 January 2022
Tenants at York Close, Geoffrey Close and Canterbury Close attended an event last week to meet with Bellway and discuss Phase 1 of construction on their estate, and how it will impact them.
Phase 1 construction is due to begin early next year and will see parts of the estate hoarded off and the ball court closed. All vehicular access and parking will also be suspended on the site while construction works take place on the estate, to ensure the health and safety of our residents.
At the event, tenants had the opportunity to meet with the project team, including our joint venture partners, Bellway, who talked through the construction plan for Phase 1 of the redevelopment at Lambeth estate.
This included a timeline and details of where holes will be dug, where hoarding will be put up and where access will be reduced.
Tenants were also able to put their questions and concerns forward in a Q&A session.
Next steps
Screening will be put up around the ball court area as we prepare for some initial, non-disruptive work, such as; ground investigation and drainage works.
Riverside and Bellway will also work through the detailed design of the new homes with architects and planners and begin appointing subcontractors and arranging material deliveries.
Riverside will continue to engage with tenants throughout the New Year as building work gears up. For more information on the construction plan please click here.
This is an exciting time as Riverside and Bellway take a significant step towards building a new estate that will enhance the quality of life for existing tenants and future generations.
Councillors approve plans for Lambeth regeneration site
9 September 2021
Plans for a 441-home development in Lambeth have been approved by councillors, subject to a planning agreement being finalised.
Bellway London Partnerships and The Riverside Group are to deliver the one, two, three and four-bedroom homes at the development at Geoffrey Close Estate, off Flaxman Road.
The joint venture, which was given the green light by unanimous approval by members of Lambeth Council’s planning committee on Tuesday (31 August), will include the provision of 135 homes for social rent, a further 62 affordable homes for London Living Rent or shared ownership, and 244 private homes.
The regeneration scheme includes the demolition of existing buildings at Geoffrey Close, York Close and Canterbury Close and the construction of six new buildings at the site, ranging in height from five to 13 storeys.
Members of Lambeth Council commented that it was an excellent scheme put forward by Riverside and Bellway, welcoming more affordable housing for Lambeth and praising consultation on the scheme including the positive ballot result supporting the regeneration plans for the area. Read more here.